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How Tempo Works
Step 1 - Document Capture
First, the source document must be digitized and uploaded. Digitization is essentially taking a picture of the document. This can be done by high-speed scanner, standard multi-function device, fax or mobile device (camera phone, iPad, etc.). The digital documents are then uploaded to your secure account on Tempo’s dataCNTR server.

Step 2 – Data Capture
Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.

Step 3 – Quality Control
Would you like to be able to easily review and edit data that is suspect or illegible? Everybody knows that it is impossible to get people to write legibly on every field on every form. Tempo understands the importance of accuracy and the high cost of errors. With the “Validation Station”, you can login to dataCNTR and automatically be routed to form images with data that needs to be reviewed. The field in question is enlarged on the screen and you have the option to click on a data entry attempt to accept it, enter the data yourself or click “mark field empty”. While each customer has different requirements for accuracy, Tempo always offers the highest accuracy available and provides our customers with the option to easily review and edit data.

Step 4 – Data Export & Integration
Once the data has been completed, Tempo customers export the data to countless backend systems. It’s up to you how the data is exported and to what format. As an example, dataCNTR can automatically export the data file to a “hot folder” on your network or seamlessly integrate the data with your backend systems. You can also manually export data and reports in various report formats from dataCNTR at any time.

Step 5 – Manage Data & Documents
You can search for documents with a simple query
Track Tempo’s progress…you never need to wonder where we are in the process. Login and see how many forms have entered and how many are left at any time of day.
Get email notifications when jobs are uploaded or when jobs are completed. Let us know when you want to be notified and we’ll set it up.
Email documents as attachments directly from dataCNTR.
Build reports based on data captured

Do you have data that needs to be captured and documents that need to be digitized?
Get a Free Document-to-Data Process Analysis
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